Uric acid is a waste product normally present in the blood as a result of the breakdown of purines. Excessive amounts of uric acid can cause crystals to form in the joints, leading to gout. Therefore, a low purine diet will lengthen the time between flare-ups and reduce their severity.
Foods to be eliminated: most fish and seafood, all organ meats and gravy. The following foods are moderately high in purines are to be mostly eliminated. These may be eaten once a month at most:
• anchovies
• lamb
• veal
• bacon
• liver
• salmon
• turkey
• haddock * (once a week due to high omega fat content and local fish )
Some vegetarian foods have been linked to higher purine content and are to be avoided on a daily basis including oatmeal, mushrooms, spinach, beans and lentils. These may be eaten maximum once a week.
Foods to include in your diet that are known to counteract the production of uric acid include: cherries, apples, strawberries, blueberries, kale, celery, squash, watercress and avocado.
You will need to increase vegetarian sources of protein – nuts, seeds, avocado, quinoa, and eggs. I recommend 1 cup of whole grains daily (see alternative Grains handout,) a variety of vegetables, fresh fruits, and moderate amounts of dairy products including those sourced from sheep and goat . Also, protein shakes with 2 tbsp of flax oil, fresh/frozen fruit and almond or rice milk or water are beneficial. I like the RAW Protien brand shakes, although plain whey is acceptable. Go to your local health food or whole foods store, buy a number of single serving shakes, and find one you like. Protein shakes are best for post-exercise consumption for muscle gain, or as an easy breakfast.
Once a daily balance of non-purine foods has been incorporated into your lifestyle, begin working on alkalinizing your body’s pH to achieve the optimal acid-alkaline state of health.
Black cherry juice concentrate is well known to counteract gout. Drink 1 cup daily. 8 glasses of water are also required or 1.5 Liters. Also beneficial are nettle or red clover tea, and clover sprouts. Increase turmeric in cooking.