What is Naturopathic Medicine?

AUmbrella_Graphic Naturopathic Doctor is a key player in safe and effective health care. We are The Experts in vitamins, herbal medicine, whole food nutrition,  lifestyle counseling, stress management and interactions between medications and  supplements. We are schooled in time honored safe and effective treatments as well as cutting edge, innovative therapies.

Naturopathic Doctors have a healthy respect for pharmaceuticals, and make it a practice not to take people off prescribed medications without the support and consent from your medical team. ND’s can prescribe hormones, antibiotics, topical products and other medications in some states and provinces. In some states, Naturopathic Doctors have a full scope of practice and are licensed as Primary Care Physicians.

A Naturopathic Doctor spends time listening to your health story, synthesizing your various health concerns to provide a comprehensive treatment plan. Dr. Wright’s  practical tools include botanical medicine, lifestyle counseling, nutrition, orthomolecular medicine, pharmaceuticals and stress management.  Laboratory testing including blood, urine, salivary or stool samples may also be used to further investigate your health care concerns. These integrative medical practices are grounded in a scientific foundation of exceptional clinical medical skills. Dr. Wright is a licensed ND in the state of Maine. She is a member in good standing with the Maine Association of Naturopathic Doctor. She is also an alumni member of the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine.

A Naturopathic Doctor is part of your health care team. She will work *with* your other doctors and specialists to ensure that you are getting the best possible care. Because a ND has the luxury of spending time with you, she is able to fully investigate the roots of your physical, mental and emotional concerns . This ensures that seemingly small but potentially very important signs and symptoms are attended to, and a complete picture of your medical history and current wellness goals is developed. Please continue to see your PCP, and all specialists, while working with your ND.

“Naturopathic Medicine is 50% medical and 50% nature-based. The practice is solidly based on clinical sciences including pathology and differential diagnosis learned in a four year, accredited Naturopathic medical school. Traditional and evidence based integrative medicines are employed to treat the identified issues.”

ND’s are trained as Family Docs. As part of the degree, we have full clinical rotation in everything from pediatrics to geriatrics. Then, like MD’s, each ND gravitates towards practice specialties they resonate with best. Some have a  special interest in cancer, or diabetes, or mental health, or pediatrics.  After 22 years of practice, Dr. Wright is interested in cardiac,  hormonal, autoimmune, and stress related issues – including trans health, endometriosis, PCOS, fertility, sleep disorders, IBS, anxiety, depression, and thyroid disease.  At your initial screening, we work together to make the educated decision to start treatment together, or refer to another practitioner that may be better suited to treat your particular constellation of health problems.

Naturopathic Medicine is an umbrella term. Each spoke of the umbrella is a modality of alternative medicine that we are trained in. The underlying theory supporting each modality is that the body has an innate ability to heal itself when supported with gentle, non-toxic natural therapies. There are seven accredited Naturopathic Medical schools in North America – two in Canada and five in the United States. Each of these schools has a rigorous standardized academic program. Every Naturopathic student is taught the same clinical medical courses, and has to pass standardized board exams at years 2 and 4 to obtain a license. Every school also teaches botanical medicine, homeopathy, lifestyle counseling, massage, nutrition, and physical medicine – these are the spokes of our umbrella of care. The US schools have acupuncture as an additional license whereas the Canadian schools provide Traditional Chinese Medicine as part of the core curriculum. Naturopathic Doctors are rigorously trained in pharmacology and minor surgery, and are licensed to prescribe non-controlled legend drugs in some states and provinces. http://www.mainelegislature.org/legis/statutes/32/title32sec12522.html

For more information on Naturopathic Medicine please visit the following links:





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