Guerrilla Marketing

Thanks for finding me! And Welcome. I want to be your new Doctor 🙂 I am here to offer you health care solutions to your big and little problems. Naturopathic Doctors are Alternative Medicine Family Docs – we are trained in pathology, diagnosis, physical examination, pharmacology (and can prescribe meds.) We are the experts in natural medicines including herbs, homeopathy, nutrition, nutraceuticals and vitamins which means we know what works, and what doesn’t. We know what brands are good, and what product combinations are most helpful or possible dangerous.

Marketing  requires serious introspection, self definition and some humor!  In the journey down into the deepest depths of my practice, I realized that while I am *really good* at women’s healthcare, stress management, and digestive disorders,  what I am *Best* at is individualized medicine. I don’t treat disease, or gender, or conditions, or age groups. I treat the individual human by listening to your story, understanding the pathological mechanisms, and synthesizing an effective recovery plan.

Free 15 minute consults are available to meet each other and make sure we are on the same page. Call 207 233 3944 to book yours. Prepare to feel (even) better!


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